
Replaying packets with tcpreplay

Tcpreplay is a suite of tools that allows editing and replaying previously captured traffic in libpcap format. This can come handy in many situations, one common use is traffic pattern based behavior re-creation in a lab environment.
Tcpreplay suite comes with the following tools:
  • tcpprep - multi-pass pcap file pre-processor which determines packets as client or server and creates cache files used by tcpreplay and tcprewrite
  • tcprewrite - pcap file editor which rewrites TCP/IP and Layer 2 packet headers
  • tcpreplay - replays pcap files at arbitrary speeds onto the network
  • tcpliveplay - Replays network traffic stored in a pcap file on live networks using new TCP connections
  • tcpreplay-edit - replays; edits pcap files at arbitrary speeds onto the network
  • tcpbridge - bridge two network segments with the power of tcprewrite
  • tcpcapinfo - raw pcap file decoder and debugger
To exemplify the use of tcpreplay, let's say we have the following setup:
Now in this setup we're interested in how our DUT device (Device Under Test) is reacting given a specific traffic pattern that is let's say very specific to this environment. I will assume the DUT is a Layer 3 device.